This is called a 'Nellie Spoon' - sometimes she is so tired you can get right in there and get a hug and she doesn't care:)
It looks like my love of entertaining and cooking started early - this appears to be a barbie bbq set! Thank you Santa! :)
Sleigh rides with Pete, our workhorse a the time. Dad has all us kids in the sleigh with him.
Danny the fireman:
Here is the start of our traditon to back the pick up under the Wolf River trees to harvest the apples. Usually we just shake the tree and watch the apples fall.... I think that is Emily standing on top of the cab. Notice the lack of christmas trees in the background!
Here is out cider press from 1870 something. It is the one we still use and you may recall seeing it in postings I made this fall from our cider adventure with Will & Kristen. Notice Dad and I watching Emily do all the work :)
Looks like Dad is rebuilding a chimney with some serious help from Danny! This was too cute not to post.
Em and dan playing on the corn chopper, oh the things farm kids play on! Perhaps this was special because it was new or something? not sure on that one. It just cracks me up that we would want to play with/on this....
A family trip to the beach, one of the few pictures with the whole family in the entire year of 1985. Dad would certainly have beaten Danny in the gun show at this point. (reference Dan's blog: )
Canoeing with Dad & Uncle Tom at grammy and grampys in Linconville. I think this canoe trip was part of our camping trip in Grammy & Grampys back yard in Lincolnville. There was a lot of 'camping' photos from 1985 - if you include having the tent set up in the back yard. I remember camping of this era was not very comfortable - no portable blow up matresses....
Nellie snuggles up to Grammy Susie.
Dad is having a little trouble reading this document. Notice the reading glasses, magnifying glass, and flashlight for extra light.... Ok, in fairness to Dad, the print was pretty darn small.....
This is the same easter but also with our cousins Mark & Sarah in the mix. Notice the beautiful couch in the background - i think this is my uncle Tom & aunt Char's house....
This is the Burgess kids at the farm in Newport. Mostly I think our socks and short shorts are quite stylish
I remember such fun with my uncle & aunt, Tom and Char, and this is proof of that fun! It looks like we are all laughing pretty hard and Tom has his work cut out for him with all 3 of us hanging on for dear life. Also notice the lovely sofa in this photo....
In 1985 we got a new caravan. Em, Dan 'I call outside middle seat' !!!!