Tuesday, March 24, 2009

no pics post

it seems that for at least the last week I have been with out my camera. this is unfortunate because there have been many photo taking opportunities related to sap gathering and boiling as well as doggie cuteness and general goofiness around the rush household.

it is a big day tomorrow though as john and i are closing on a 'new' house and john is going to pick up his 'new' dump truck! yes, we bought a foreclosure fixer upper at auction - not sure if we are going to live there or fix it to sell it but it will be a fun project. and, yes, johns dump truck dreams have come true, next i expect his dreams to turn to a trailer so that he can haul his excavator with the dump truck. then i expect his dreams to return to a garage - oh how he dreams about that!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

cutting the cake

there was no cake smushing here, but it does look like he thought about it!
caitlyn barker photography

the toast

john and i were toasted by my sibs, em & dan, and john's brother, mike. thanks for the lovely thoughts and well wishes!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

the families

john's parents, rose & tony

my parents, john & sue

great aunt louise, with my aunt laurie, uncle chris & uncle tom and aunt char

rose and her sisters, jean, beth & celeste

johns immediate family

my immediate family

a photo from above

john & i with our parents

em, mom and me getting ready

dad & dan, at emily's house, before the wedding
caitlyn barker photography

dinner and drink

aunt louise arrives right on time

mom & dad

aunt char

aunt jean (she and her husband, rob, came all the way from iowa!)

my dad, with dan in the background

uncle paul and aunt polly

rose & tony

johns sibs

john's aunts beth & jean

uncle vince & aunt janet

ryan & lizzie

lizzie had a cluster of bells that she enjoyed during dinner

me with my sisters in law, veronica & char

shawn, v & me

aunt celeste (i absolutely love this photo)

aunt barbara & aunt polly

tony (john's dad)

john and i decided to do a 'small' wedding and dinner celebration, but as you can see, our families are large! the wedding guests consisted of immediate family and aunts and uncles - quite a group!!! we are planning a larger, more casual celebration, this summer with friends and extended family

getting ready

my sister was gracious enough to let me get ready at her home, which is lovely and near by the wedding location.

elizabeth gets dressed up too!

dan & dad, while they certainly look sharp, are, in fact, up to no good. dan is cleaning cans to tie to our car after they 'decorated' it in the just married kind of fashion

caitlyn barker photography

setting up

our wedding took place in the evening which allowed us a relatively laid back and relaxing day to finish setting up and get ready.
em & mom

aunt laurie stops by to check things out and lend a hand

i put finishing touches on the flowers

mom, em and i have a good laugh as we decorate the banister

em & i enjoy the time together

caitlyn barker photography