Friday, August 27, 2010

camping prep

With our annual camping trip around the corner, we needed to get Griffin in the canoe for some practice.  This is Grif's first camping trip with us, and our site is on an island, so we have to canoe over to it.

Got him in, we are ready to go!

I am not sure that he likes it, but he didn't dump us.

We made it back!

Em, Liz & Ryan took the paddle boat out for a spin, too.

19 weeks

well, finally, a blog post about being pregnant!  Here is my 19 week photo.  Now officially into maternity clothes.  We hope to find out the baby's gender next week...

uncle dan, the artist

Dan does an outline of Liz.  She thinks this is very cool....

Now checking out Dan's artistry....

lobstah n stuff

John worked on the coast a bit this summer.  Here he is, up 100ft working on a wind turbine. 

Griffin greets him with slobbery kisses

When John works on the coast, he usually picks up lobsters, and this trip he brouht us some BIG ones! (just look at that grin:))

Mom & Dad join us for lobster dinner

Grif, not sure of the lobster....