Friday, March 25, 2011

trot trot to boston

Phew!  We made it to boston!  Em, Mom, Liz, Maeve and I made our way to see Dan last weekend.   

Maeve smiles at Uncle Dan

Maeve's first political rally 'standing' with planned parenthood on boston common
 Danny, and the Burgess women, including cousin Amanda on boston common

2 months!

Here she is - 2 months and growing! 

Geez, mom, I am not so sure about this!

She is smiling like crazy & ever so close to laughing I think!  Grampy does some of her favorite tricks, making windmill motions with his hands, blowing raspberries and tickling - makes her smile every time.
We went to boston last weekend to visit uncle dan, she did great!  Slept great and was SO patient and really quite easy (knock on wood).  We SLOWLY getting better at sleeping, seem to get a couple 3-3 1/2  stretches at a time.  And this week she had a VCUG, she was a trooper. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

2 months!

Our baby girl is 2 months old!!!!  She had her 2 month appt this week and is 10 lbs and 5 oz!  Guess she is making up for the slow start in the weight department.  She also had shots which was no fun.  Maeve was a trooper but definitely felt crummy for a day or so.  We had some visitors this past week, Maeve's great aunt Beth and great uncle Clarence came to visit.  The official 2month photo is coming, but in the mean time here are a few others.  Also Charlotte and Buster came for dinner and some Maeve time.  Maeve loved the company.  We visited Emily H and her family, including new baby Rowan! 

The official 2 month photos are forthcoming, but here are a few others.

 Getting ready for the day

 A favorite napping spot

 so tired

 and happy!

Oh, this week we closed on another apartment house, this one in Waterville.  Our crew is working there now and it will be ready to rent in a couple of weeks!

And I had a special guest at Evolo one afternoon this week.  Isn't she beautiful!?!?!?!  i heart her

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The 7th week......

New this week, as Maeve turns 7 weeks old:

- growing, growing and more growing!  She has grown out of some of her new born outfits and I have put some 3-6 month clothes into rotation.  I definitely notice she is filling out and getting bigger
- she is big enough to wear some of the lovely knitted sweaters that we were given.  And we are wearing them alot.  As spring finally approaches, we don't have the wood stove full blast all the time which makes having a sweater a must!
- 2 nights in a row with 4 hour sleep stretches.  yay! (I can't say that with enough emphasis)
- hanging out with Daddy a couple nights on their own as I have evening meetings.  I am happy to be back in the swing of things and glad Daddy can take the reigns a couple nights a week.
- I am thinking of starting a self imposed hat of the month knitting project to ensure that I have adorable (some functional and some just outrageous) hats on hand for photo taking sessions with Maeve.  She will probably be mad at me for it 15 years down the road, but I can't resist the look funky hats on babies.  So, I have been scouring Ravelry and have come up with at least a 1/2 dozen patterns to get me started. 
- Smiling!  So much more purposeful smiling!  So a nice reward for all of mommy and daddy's efforts!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

This week....

This week, Maeve turned 6 weeks old.  She started sleeping in her crib and we moved the pack and play, where she was sleeping, out of our bedroom and downstairs.  I went back to work and Maeve spent her second week with Nana Judy. Maeve likes the Bjorn and the Bumbo seat.  We seem to have finally found a formula combination that works (try #1 =  vomiting, try #2= gas, gas and more gas, try #3 is the premium formula, of course, but at least she's happy!).  She doesn't care for a pacifier.  She loves the vacuum (it will calm her nearly instantly), her cousin Lizzie and laying out flat on the changing table.