Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nov fun

November has proven to be a great month so far. I don't know if it is the good weather or that our calendar is less jam packed than usual but it has been really nice.
Lizzie trying to decide what to do about this puddle. Avoid it? Splash and stomp in it? Throw rocks in it? In the end, Griffin decided to splash and lay in it, so Lizzie and I hightailed it outta there.
Gathering boughs for holiday decorating.

Crab apple tree

New hotwater solar collector at the farm.

Lizzie helps Em & I gather pine cones for wreath decorating. So much fun!

Yummy apple cranberry crisp

Ron was up this weekend to go hunting with John. While they actually saw quite a few deer in the woods, none were close enough to get a good shot at. So, we had lobster instead!

Griffin lounging in bed. He is out of the crate now!

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