Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Hurricane Irene came our way this past weekend.  We had a nice rainy day before the winds kicked in and hosted brunch for my folks & sisters family (ie John found a tray of PW's cinnamon rolls in the freezer - yum!).

Maeve tries on the new hat I made her, I think it will work!

Martin tried the jump-a-roo for the first time, Maeve looked on a bit concerned.

This 'little' guy cracks me up (I say little because he tops the size charts for his age).  He hung out in the jump-a-roo, not exactly taking advantage of the jumping feature.  At least not yet.

Thanks to the rainy day, and some help and prodding from Emily, I rearranged a bunch of M's stuff.  We are using the pack and play more like a play pen these days, rather than a changing table and I brought her actual changing table and bureau downstairs.  The end goal is to make putting away laundry a bit more likely (I mean who doesn't just use the guest bed as the 'dresser' for weeks on end!).

Got all the whole family this time around

Gramp & Mars

Maeve is doing so well eating these days.  All of a sudden she has gone from sampling, to polishing off a half a cup of food! 

And eventually, we lost power - though only for a few hours.  Luckily we had enough candlelight power!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Maeve is now standing up in her crib! Oh, and she signed for milk!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Maeve and Mom

Emily snapped a few pics of M and I as we headed to check out the gardens.  Thanks Em!

3 parkers

Martin was taking a nap when Em, Liz & I went to visit Ryan in the garden.

I love, love. love this photo!

Quite the carrot!

I instructed Liz to touch heads with mom (meaning to put her head together with Emily).  She took my literately and brought her hand to hear own head (touching heads!)


Beautiful garlic

around the house

A project I have been wanting to do for awhile - succulents (my fav) in an old pie plate with a candle in the middle.  I am hoping the succulents fill in and that it will be a pretty centerpiece.

A type of honeysuckle on a trellis off our back deck.

Affectionately called the 'stump garden' because it was a hole with stumps in it in our front yard.  Over the last few weeks, John has filled it in, seeded and watered it and brought me some large rocks for landscaping.  We had saved a tree in the upper right, which came down earlier this week (randomly) so now we have a festivius pole of sorts:).  Looking forward to placing the rocks about and putting in some flowers!

 This plant lived the winter in our basement and is blooming for the second time this summer.

Maeve sleeps.....

future race car driver?

Maeve's first driving lesson - I would say she loves it!

 Having SO much fun!

skowhegan state fair

We snuck away for an afternoon to take Maeve to the skowhegan state fair.  We had a nice afternoon checking out the animals, equipment and food!

This picture is for Gramp. 

 Checking our the baby goats
 It was a hot day!  pink cheeks!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

on the go

Please excuse my baby talk, I have come to realize that it simply can not be helped.....

7 months!

Here is the offical 7 month photo

 and a favorite one of M and Grif loving each other (this was about 2 seconds before griffin got up and walked away, but still its cute).

Still a super smiley girl

Maeve is back at Nana's, after Nana's 3 week vacation. Thanks to Erin G, Maeve's Aunt Charlotte, Uncle Buster and Grammie Rose for all their help!  Maeve is really enjoying books, especially the ones with texture and peek-a-bo pages.  She is chewing Cheerios and other like foods.  She gets around on her walker like there is no tomorrow, from one end of the house to the other in a flash.  She looks for me in the downstairs bathroom when I get ready in the morning.  Maeve is very curious and really takes time to look things over and figure them out (perhaps some of her Dad's personality coming through?).  At her dr appt a couple weeks ago, she was 16.6lbs and 88% for height! The last 2 nights she has slept from ~7pm to 4am and then gone back to bed for a bit more after filling her belly - yipee!!!!  Now I just have to go to bed before 11 and we will all be a bit more rested. 


Griffin, our newfoundland, has taken a second seat, pretty far back there, since Maeve has taken center stage.  As evidenced by his recent running away episode, perhaps he has been feeling a little left behind?  (PS thanks to my sibs, and the neighbors for helping us find grif, who seemed totally unphased and rather happy by his adventure all the way to durham bridge rd). Anyway, he is always present in our lives, not wanting to be far from any of us, least of all M. 

(and Grif has a new haircut for the summer, turns out he is WAY smaller underneath all that fur!:)).


I love this series of photos.  These two cousins seem to be figuring each other out, for now.  Lizzie is so patient with and loving toward Maeve and Maeve idolizes the ground Lizzie walks on.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Mom, Maeve and I hit pay dirt recently a spragues.  We got a great discount and I got several things I had wanted for our new house.  The landscaping has taken us awhile get our arms around, but we are getting there.  Anyway, I have some new things to poke in, in new places and got 4 planters for the front of the house.  I don't think we could have fit another single thing in the car though!
 Plants even packed in around M!

Big Changes

The last couple weeks have meant big changes for M (& the rest of us as a result).  Maeve is now crawling, she has 2 teeth, had her 6 month appointment, and has mastered the 'walker'.  Griffy also got a drastic haircut.  John and I have just been trying to keep up! :)

Hanging out with Dad as he works on the computer.

 I had to post this one because Griffy is between M and I and she looks over him to see what is going on.  He wants to be right in the center of everything, just like my childhood dog polkie.

Hanging out with Mum.

 Relaxing at bath time in the kitchen sink

The walker has given her a whole new freedom.  She loves the dishwasher, checking out her reflection in the stove and the washing machine.  She can easily go from the living room all the way down the hall to the bathroom (she visits me there while I get ready in the morning).

In our chair

With Grampie Rush on his brithday.  So stinkin cute.