Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Hurricane Irene came our way this past weekend.  We had a nice rainy day before the winds kicked in and hosted brunch for my folks & sisters family (ie John found a tray of PW's cinnamon rolls in the freezer - yum!).

Maeve tries on the new hat I made her, I think it will work!

Martin tried the jump-a-roo for the first time, Maeve looked on a bit concerned.

This 'little' guy cracks me up (I say little because he tops the size charts for his age).  He hung out in the jump-a-roo, not exactly taking advantage of the jumping feature.  At least not yet.

Thanks to the rainy day, and some help and prodding from Emily, I rearranged a bunch of M's stuff.  We are using the pack and play more like a play pen these days, rather than a changing table and I brought her actual changing table and bureau downstairs.  The end goal is to make putting away laundry a bit more likely (I mean who doesn't just use the guest bed as the 'dresser' for weeks on end!).

Got all the whole family this time around

Gramp & Mars

Maeve is doing so well eating these days.  All of a sudden she has gone from sampling, to polishing off a half a cup of food! 

And eventually, we lost power - though only for a few hours.  Luckily we had enough candlelight power!

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