Wednesday, August 17, 2011

7 months!

Here is the offical 7 month photo

 and a favorite one of M and Grif loving each other (this was about 2 seconds before griffin got up and walked away, but still its cute).

Still a super smiley girl

Maeve is back at Nana's, after Nana's 3 week vacation. Thanks to Erin G, Maeve's Aunt Charlotte, Uncle Buster and Grammie Rose for all their help!  Maeve is really enjoying books, especially the ones with texture and peek-a-bo pages.  She is chewing Cheerios and other like foods.  She gets around on her walker like there is no tomorrow, from one end of the house to the other in a flash.  She looks for me in the downstairs bathroom when I get ready in the morning.  Maeve is very curious and really takes time to look things over and figure them out (perhaps some of her Dad's personality coming through?).  At her dr appt a couple weeks ago, she was 16.6lbs and 88% for height! The last 2 nights she has slept from ~7pm to 4am and then gone back to bed for a bit more after filling her belly - yipee!!!!  Now I just have to go to bed before 11 and we will all be a bit more rested. 

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