Thursday, November 17, 2011

10 months

Little Maeve is 10 months today.  I plan to take her 10 month photo this weekend, but in the mean time here is what she is up too these days:

1.  walking like crazy!
2.  getting into things she isn't supposed to.  If I turn my back she is off to climb the stairs or play in Griff's dog food bowl
3. She has 4 teeth
4.  She had her first cold
5.  She says Dada, mama, roar, uh-oh, nana
6.  I hope I am not jinxing myself here, but she is sleeping better! yay us!  All I can say is that it has been a long 10 months in the sleep department
7.  She loves her train toy (one she sits on and it has wheels so we can push her around the house - it also makes GREAT train sounds).
8.  She loves books.  Her current favorites are 'have you ever tickled a tiger?' and 'llama llama red pajama'. 
9.  I put some photos in a photo album for her a couple weeks back, she loves looking through the photos of 'her people'!
10.  I would not describe Maeve as a particularly enthusiastic eater, but, she does like yogurt, tortellini and Cheerios. 

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