Thursday, December 8, 2011

thanksgiving 2011

A long overdue thanksgiving post - can it really be 2 weeks since thanksgiving?!?!  This year we continued our traditional thanksgiving trek north, to Aroostook County where John's folks live.  John is one of 5 kids which makes the thanksgiving table a full one!

Maeve plays with her very playful Uncle Buster.

Donning her thanksgiving dress

Johns sister Charlotte

Rocking with Maeve and reading her a story

Mike & Alison

Mikes feet make a great seat for Maeve - she was SO relaxed!

John's younger sister, V

This years thanksgiving had all the traditional elements - turkey, potato, stuffing, squash etc.  Also a staple at the Rush thanksgiving (or rather dessert table) are whoopie pies - Rose makes great ones and I agree with her liking of extra frosting.  I have also brought a dickens thanksgiving dish to the rush thanksgiving, 'onion celeste', which is now tradition here too. 

Maeve had a great time playing with her grandparents and all her aunts and uncles, but did NOT sleep that night.  She would fall asleep but then wake up, realize she was someplace new, get curious etc...  at about 2 a.m. John took her for a 4 hour car ride so the rest of us could get some sleep.  Here's to hoping she is a better sleeper next year!

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